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  1. Skriv dit søgeord i søgefeltet
  2. Begynd eventuelt med at afgrænse din søgning i topmenuen
  3. Du søger ved at trykke "Enter" på dit tastatur eller klikke på lup ikonet
  4. Når du har søgt, får du vist dit søgeresultat
  5. Der er en lang række forslag til at afgrænse din søgning i topmenuen
  6. Hvis du markerer et eller flere af filtrene, skifter dit søgeresultat automatisk. Du kan vælge flere eller fjerne nogle i tilfældig rækkefølge, og hver gang vil dit søgeresultat opdateres automatisk. Du skal altså ikke trykke på returknappen på dit tastatur eller på returpilen i din browser, når du har valgt en afgrænsning. Det vil bare resultere i, at du skal starte forfra
  7. Du har også mulighed for at sortere dit endelige søgeresultat med filtrene "Emner" og "Fysisk/digital". 

Materialetype og tilgængelighed

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  • Hvis du søger på en titel (et værk), der findes som flere forskellige typer materiale (f.eks. bog og e-bog), vil det fremgå ved at der vises flere bokse på de pågældende titler. Disse bokse vil f.eks. vise at titlen findes både som e-bog, lydbog og bog.
  • Hvis du trykker på titlen, kan du vælge hvilken materialetype, du er interesseret i ved at klikke på boksen med den ønskede materialetype
  • Selvom et materiale er angivet med grønt, så står det ikke nødvendigvis hjemme på hylden på dit lokale bibliotek. Det kan f.eks. befinde sig på Østerbro, Blågården og Solvang etc.
  • Ved at trykke på titlen i den enkelte post får du vist hvor mange eksemplarer, der er hjemme på hylden på de enkelte biblioteker samt antallet af reserveringer på materialet
  • Du kan også få vist præcis hvor materialet er i biblioteket ved at klikke på knappen "Find på hylden"

Tips til din søgning

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Emneord står altid i ubestemt flertalsform. Hvis du f.eks. søger på "mønsterbryder", bliver du præsenteret for: mønsterbrydere, mønsterbryderen og mønsterbryderne.

Mønsterbrydere er det mest omfattende.

Årstal skriver du i 10-års- eller 100-årsintervaller, f.eks. 1940-1949, og 1700-1799.

Find materialer om et sjældent eller specialiseret emne ved at søge på et mere overordnet emne: F.eks. giver grundstoffet "lanthan" kun få søgeresultater. Søg i stedet på det bredere emne "grundstoffer". Det skyldes, at bibliotekets database søger i bibliografiske oplysninger. Ikke store afsnit og kapitler i en bog.

Materiale om en bestemt person skal du søge som "Emne".

Gode muligheder for at afgrænse er fx materialets form: Breve, taler, erindringer, biografier, kildesamlinger med mere. F.eks. Pierre Bourdieu biografier.

Du kan søge i bibliotekets opstillingssystem på numre i søgefeltet. F.eks. 30.172, (søgekode dk5=30.172) i stedet for kvinder. Du kan finde tallet i oversigten over DK5 numre. 

Lande er opstillet efter geografi, samfundsfag, politik, økonomi og historie. Find landet i opstillingssystemet, og søg på dets nummer. Geografi er det mest overordnede (40-49), mens samfundsfag det mest specielle (30, 32 og 33).

Søgekoder til avanceret søgning

Icon Description

Search indexes

ageThis index contains either a specific age or a range of ages.A positive number or a range of positive numbers separated by a dashage="1-3"
agesThis index contains a range of numbers, which contains the suggested age group for the given materialA positive number for the given age, eg 3-6, will be 3,4,5,6,7. Operators permitted are <, <=, >, >=, withinages = 5
ages > 5
ages >= 5
ages < 5
ages <= 5
ages within "3 5"
datefirsteditionThis index contains the year of publication of the first edition of e.g. a book.YYYY. Operators permitted are <, <=, >, >=, withindatefirstedition=2010
datefirstedition within "2000 2009"
datefirstedition > 2021
datefirstedition >= 2021
datefirstedition < 1980
datefirstedition <= 1980
dk5This index contains values from the Danish classification system DK5, and it is only available on materials from sources using this system.99.99 (Two digits, and optionally a period and up to two digitsdk5="85"
firstaccessiondateThis index contains the first acquisition date of a specific manifestation on a library. It can be used to limit the search to manifestations acquired on a specific date, within a range of dates or before/after a given date.YYYY-MM-DD. Operators permitted are <, <=, >, >=, withinfirstaccessiondate = 2020-05-26
firstaccessiondate > 2020-05-01
firstaccessiondate >= 2020-05-26
firstaccessiondate < 2021-05-01
firstaccessiondate <= 2021-05-01
firstaccessiondate within "2020-05-01 2020-05-30"
hascoverThis index contains values indicating whether the material has a cover image in the DBC cover servicetrue / falsehascover=true
letThis index contains values from the reading ability index (læseegnethed) called LetA positive numberlet="12"
lixThis index contains values from the readability index (læsbarhedsindeks) called Lix.A positive number usually between 20 and 60lix="28"
mediacouncilagerestrictionFor searching for media council age restriction (Medierådets anbefalinger) mediacouncilagerestriction = 7
mediacouncilagerestriction > 11
mediacouncilagerestriction >= 11
mediacouncilagerestriction < 7
mediacouncilagerestriction <= 11
mediacouncilagerestriction within "7 11"
pegiThis index contains the suggested PEGI minimum age for the given materialA positive number. Operators permitted are <, <=, >, >=, withinpegi = 16
pegi > 15
pegi >= 16
pegi < 7
pegi <= 7
pegi within "3 7"
pidCan be used to search for pids pid=870970-basis:44069938
publicationyearThis index contains the publication year of materials. This can for example be used for finding works containing manifestations published in a specific year, within a range of years or before/after a given year.YYYY. Operators permitted are <, <=, >, >=, withinpublicationyear="2020"
publicationyear within "2020 2019"
publicationyear > 2021
publicationyear >= 2021
publicationyear < 1984
publicationyear <= 1984
worktypeThis index contains values from the worktype, eg. article, music, litterature, etc.A string denoting the workTypeworktype="article"
workyearThis index contains the publication year of the earliest published edition in a work. This can for example be used for finding works published in a specific year, within a range of years or before/after a given year.YYYY. Operators permitted are <, <=, >, >=, withinworkyear=1945
workyear within "1940 1945"
workyear > 1999
workyear >= 2000
workyear < 2000
workyear <= 1999
phrase.accesstypeCan be used to limit your search results to either physical or online materials. Values are in Danish. phrase.accesstype=online
phrase.agesFor searching for a material intended for a specific age phrase.ages="for 11 år"
phrase.cataloguecodeThis index contains values regarding catalogue codesA string denoting the catalogue codephrase.cataloguecode="BKM202310"
phrase.childrentopicFor searching for childrentopics. phrase.childrentopic="ud i fremtiden"
phrase.contributorFor searching for contributors on different material types (e.g. a director, an actor or a singer). phrase.contributor="charlie chaplin"
phrase.contributorfunctionThis index can be used if you want to limit your search to a specific type of contributor (e.g. photographer, author, or illustrator). All values are in Danish. phrase.contributorfunction="Rane Knudsen (oversætter)"
phrase.contributorfunction="Pernille Lyneborg (indlæser)"
phrase.creatorFor searching for creator of material phrase.creator="kim leine"
phrase.creatorcontributorFor searching for contributors or creators on different material types (e.g. a director, an actor or a singer). phrase.creatorcontributor="charlie chaplin"
phrase.creatorcontributorfunctionThis index can be used if you want to limit your search to a specific type of creator or contributor (e.g. photographer, author, or illustrator). All values are in Danish. phrase.creatorcontributorfunction="kim leine (forfatter)"
phrase.creatorcontributorfunction="charlie chaplin (skuespiller)"
phrase.creatorfunctionThis index can be used if you want to limit your search to a specific type of creator (e.g. photographer, author, or illustrator). All values are in Danish. phrase.creatorfunction="Lucy Dillon (forfatter)"
phrase.fictionalcharacterFor searching for fictional characters of a work phrase.fictionalcharacter="Sherlock*"
phrase.filmnationalityThis index contains values regarding nationality of filmsA string denoting the nationality of the movies, eg japanske filmphrase.filmnationality="japanske film"
phrase.gameplatformWhen searching for computer games, this index is useful for narrowing your search to specific gaming platforms. phrase.gameplatform="playstation 4"
phrase.gameplatform="xbox one"
phrase.generalaudienceFilter used to search for the intended audience. phrase.generalaudience="let at læse"
phrase.generalmaterialtypeThis index contains controlled names of general material types. All values are in Danish. phrase.generalmaterialtype="musik"
phrase.genreandformFor searching for specific genres or literary forms (e.g. comics (tegneserie) or novels (roman)). All values are in Danish. phrase.genreandform=digte
phrase.genreandform="graphic novel*"
phrase.hostpublicationFor searching for the host publication of an article e.g. a newspaper or journal article phrase.hostpublication="Information"
phrase.issueFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific issue. phrase.issue="2021-11-03"
phrase.issue="Nr. 51 (2017)"
phrase.languageThis index can be used to search for the language of the materials within main language, spoken language, subtitle language, language for the hearing impaired and language for the visually impaired. All values are in Danish. phrase.language=dansk
phrase.libraryrecommendationUsed to search for recommended age group (e.g. fra 7 år or fra 10 år) phrase.libraryrecommendation="fra 7 år"
phrase.mainlanguageThis index can be used for narrowing you search according to the primary language of the materials. All values are in Danish. phrase.mainlanguage=dansk
phrase.mediacouncilagerestrictionFor searching for media council age restriction (Medierådets anbefalinger) phrase.mediacouncilagerestriction="Frarådes børn under 7 år*"
phrase.moodFor searching for phrases describing the mood of a material (literature) phrase.mood="sarkastisk"
phrase.musicalensembleorcastFilter used to search for the musical ensemble or cast. phrase.musicalensembleorcast="For klaver"
phrase.narrativetechniqueFor searching for phrases describing the narrative techniques used in a material (literature) phrase.narrativetechnique="almindeligt sprog"
phrase.pegiFor searching for (or use as facet) PEGI descriptions phrase.pegi="pegi: 7"
phrase.playersFilter used to search a specific number of players. phrase.players="for 2 spillere"
phrase.primarytargetFor searching for primary intended target of material (e.g. folkeskoleniveau or alment niveau) phrase.primarytarget="folkeskoleniveau"
phrase.seriesFor searching for series titles and series universes (without number in series). phrase.series="krimiserien med martin juncker og signe kristiansen"
phrase.series="martin juncker"
phrase.series="harry potter-universet"
phrase.settingFor searching for phrases describing the setting of a material (literature) phrase.setting="futuristisk"
phrase.specificmaterialtypeThis index contains controlled names of specific material types. All values are in Danish phrase.specificmaterialtype="bog"
phrase.specificmaterialtype="artikel (online)"
phrase.spokenlanguageThis index contains the spoken languages of movies. All values are in Danish. phrase.spokenlanguage=tysk
phrase.subjectFor searching for subjects. This index contains both controlled and uncontrolled subjects. phrase.subject="efterforskning"
phrase.subtitlelanguageThis index contains the subtitle languages of movies. All values are in Danish. phrase.subtitlelanguage=dansk
phrase.typeofscoreFilter used to search for the type of score. phrase.typeofscore="Studienpartitur"
term.accesstypeCan be used to limit your search results to either physical or online materials. Values are in Danish. term.accesstype=online
term.canalwaysbeloanedThis index is only relevant when you are searching for materials from either eReolen or netlydbog. It can be used for limiting your search result to items that has no restrictions (can always be loaned) or not.true/falseterm.canalwaysbeloaned=true
term.childrenoradultsThis index can be used to limit your search results to materials for either children or adults. Values are in Danish. term.childrenoradults="til voksne"
term.childrenoradults="til børn"
term.childrentopicFor searching for childrentopics. term.childrentopic="ud i fremtiden"
term.contributorFor searching for contributors on different material types (e.g. a director, an actor or a singer). term.contributor="charlie chaplin"
term.creatorFor searching on names of creators of various material types (e.g. author or artist) term.creator="kim leine"
term.creator_notesThis index contains values from various notes fields present in JED and is combined with creator term.creator_notes="Krummelurpille"
term.schooluse="til skolebrug"
term.creatorcontributorFor searching for contributors or creators on different material types (e.g. a director, an actor or a singer). term.creatorcontributor="charlie chaplin"
term.defaultIf you are not using an index or you are using term.default, the search will be performed on data from term.title, term.creator, term.subject and term.specificmaterialtype. "kim leine" AND karolines
term.dk5headingThis is index is for searching in the text representations of DK5 codes term.dk5heading="Grønlands historie"
term.fictionalcharacterFor searching for fictional characters of a work term.fictionalcharacter="Sherlock*"
term.fictionnonfictionThis index can be used in order to limit your search results to either fiction or non fiction. Values are “fiction” and “nonfiction”. Only relevant for specific material types. term.fictionnonfiction="fiction"
term.functionThis index can be used if you want to limit your search to a specific type of creator or contributor (e.g. photographer, author, or illustrator). All values are in Danish. term.function="forfatter kim leine"
term.function="forfatter leine"
term.function="forfatter leine kim"
term.function="skuespiller charlie chaplin"
term.gameplatformWhen searching for computer games, this index is useful for narrowing your search to specific gaming platforms. term.gameplatform="playstation 4"
term.gameplatform="xbox one"
term.generalmaterialtypeThis index contains controlled names of general material types. All values are in Danish. term.generalmaterialtype="musik"
term.genreandformFor searching for specific genres or literary forms (e.g. comics (tegneserie) or novels (roman)). All values are in Danish. term.genreandform=digte
term.genreandform="graphic novel*"
term.hostpublicationFor searching for the host publication of an article e.g. a newspaper or journal article term.hostpublication="Information"
term.isbnFor searching for ISBN of books. ISBN kan be with or without hyphens. term.isbn="9781911215387"
term.mainlanguageThis index can be used for narrowing you search according to the primary language of the materials. All values are in Danish. term.mainlanguage=dansk
term.moodFor searching for terms describing the mood of a material (literature) term.mood="tankevækkende"
term.narrativetechniqueFor searching for terms describing the narrative techniques used in a material (literature) term.narrativetechnique="alvidende"
term.publisherFor searching for the publisher of the given material (publisher, record company, etc) term.publisher="Scanbox*"
term.schooluseThis index is for limiting search results to materials for teachers ('til læreren') or for school use ('til skolebrug'). The values are in Danish. term.schooluse="til læreren"
term.schooluse="til skolebrug"
term.seriesFor searching for series titles and series universes (without number in series). term.series="krimiserien med martin juncker og signe kristiansen"
term.series="martin juncker"
term.series="harry potter-universet"
term.settingFor searching for terms describing the setting of a material (literature) term.setting="storbyen"
term.sourceThis index contains the names of the sources in the data well (brøndkilder). It can be used in order to limit your searches e.g. as an alternative to using different search profiles. term.source=bibliotekskatalog
term.specificmaterialtypeThis index contains controlled names of specific material types. All values are in Danish term.specificmaterialtype="bog"
term.spokenlanguageThis index contains the spoken languages of movies. All values are in Danish. term.spokenlanguage=tysk
term.subjectFor searching for subjects. This index contains both controlled and uncontrolled subjects. term.subject="efterforskning"
term.subtitlelanguageThis index contains the subtitle languages of movies. All values are in Danish. term.subtitlelanguage=dansk
term.titleFor searching for terms in titles including titles of parts of materials (e.g. song titles on an album) term.title="karolines kærlighed"
term.titlemanifestationpartFor searching for the title of the entry (music track or title of a literary analysis) term.titlemanifestationpart="Heimdal*"

Filter indexes

agencyidFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific agency id. Values are based on data from holdings items. This filter or the filter branchid should always be used when using filters based on holdings items, in order to limit the search to a material owned by the library."agencyid": ["790700"]
branchFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific branch name. Values are based on data from holdings items."branch": ["my branch"]
branchidFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific branch id. Values are based on data from holdings items. This filter or the filter agencyid should always be used when using filters based on holdings items, in order to limit the search to a material owned by the library."branchid": ["790702"]
departmentFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific department. Values are based on data from holdings items."department": ["voksenafdelingen"]
issueidFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific issue id. Values are based on data from holdings items."issueid": ["0986-19983412-hji"]
itemidFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific item id. Values are based on data from holdings items."itemid": ["67483200-3722"]
locationFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific location. Values are based on data from holdings items."location": ["skønlitteratur"]
statusFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific status. Values are based on data from holdings items."status": ["OnShelf"]
sublocationFilter to be used to limit a search to a specific sublocation. Values are based on data from holdings items."sublocation": ["letlæsning"]

Sort indexes

sort.creatorIndex to use for sorting by creator. 
sort.latestpublicationdateIndex to use for sorting by latest publicationdate. 
sort.titleIndex to use for sorting by title. 

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