Return and replacement fees
Late return fees
Overdue Period | Children and young people under 18 years | Adults from 18 years |
1 - 13 days | 10 kroner | 20 kroner |
14 - 28 days | 55 kroner | 120 kroner |
More than 29 days | 100 kroner | 230 kroner |
You are responsible for the materials borrowed on your health card. Therefore, you are also obliged to pay compensation for borrowed materials if they are lost or damaged.
The compensation price is usually the cost of acquiring the material again, plus preparation and billing fees. Note that the price of items such as audiobooks, films, and games is significantly higher than the store price due to, among other things, copyright.
Frequently asked questions
How do I pay fees?
You pay fees and compensation on Mit betalingsoverblik via
You can go directly to Mit betalingsoverblik or you can log in here on this website, where you can see what you owe and then follow the link to “Mit betalingsoverblik.” You can also use the “Biblioteket” app, where there will be a link to “Mit betalingsoverblik.”
It is important that you pay your bill before the payment deadline to avoid unnecessary additional fees.
I have received a fee but not a reminder
You must pay a fee if you return or renew materials late - even if you have not received a reminder before the loan period expires.
It is always your responsibility to return borrowed materials on time - even if a reminder has not been sent as expected.
We recommend downloading the library app Biblioteket, which makes it easy to keep track of your loans.
I have found a material I paid compensation for - what do I do?
You can get a refund of the compensation amount if you find a material, return it within four months, and can present a receipt for the compensation payment.
We do not refund additional fees and billing charges.
I have questions about payment or reminder fees
Contact Frederikshavn Municipality’s payment office at tel. 98 45 86 00.
I have questions about the reason for my bill
If you have questions about the reason for your bill, you should contact the library duringstaffed opening hours or at
How do I pay if I am exempt from digital post or do not have MitID?
If you are exempt from Digital Post, you will receive an invoice by mail, which can be paid where you usually pay your bills.
Why does it still say I owe payment?
It can take up to 72 hours for your payment to be registered in the library’s system. Therefore, you may experience that there are still outstanding amounts shown on “Min side” when you log in, even though you have just paid.
However, in “Fees and compensation” under your user profile, you can always see an updated status of your payments.
What about children and young people under 18 years?
Children and young people under 18 years cannot pay for compensation themselves - even if they have MitID.
Their library debt will appear under “Fees and compensation” under their user profile, but the person who is financially responsible must pay the outstanding amount.
To pay, the guardian or parent must log in with MitID on “Mit betalingsoverblik.”
Avoid Fees
You can receive a reminder by email and/or SMS three days before you need to return the materials.
Check upon return that the materials you return match the materials listed on the return receipt. It can be a good idea to keep the receipt for up to eight weeks so you can document that your loans have been returned.
Did you know that you can have the receipt sent to your email? You can choose this option at the machine when you return the materials.